Cambridge Pool Association, Inc.
Pool Rules and Regulations, updated 02/2024
Use of the Pool
NO ONE is allowed to swim alone.
Adult members are responsible for supervising the members of their household and their guests. Lifeguards are not babysitters.
Children 12 or under must be accompanied by a parent, legal guardian, or caregiver. If swimmers 13 and over do not follow pool rules, lifeguards can eject them. This will be reported to the board and repeat infractions may require the minor to always have a parent, guardian or caregiver with them.
The wading pool is limited to children under 6 unless granted permission by the younger wader or their parents.
Each member is limited to 1 guest per visit and must be present to allow the guest to swim. Each guest should be limited to two visits per month.
Members providing daycare – children who are not members are considered guests.
Person’s staying at a member's house are not counted as guests.
Obnoxious behavior, loud, profane or abusive language, excessive public display of affection and gesturing are not allowed. This includes running, screaming, yelling, pushing, wrestling, spitting, dunking, squirting, surfboarding, skateboarding, skating, and throwing objects.
Lifeguard on duty has the right to eject any persons who are disorderly or not following the rules.​
Health and Safety
Swimmers must take a cleansing shower before entering the pool. Please rinse feet before reentering the pool from the grass area.
Food and drinks are allowed in grass area only (not over cement deck). Glass containers are NOT allowed inside the pool-fenced area at all.
No regular diapers allowed in the pool. Children not toilet trained must wear a swim diaper.
No hanging on the ropes or diving board. Only one person allowed on diving board at a time.
Persons suffering any infection, communicable disease, skin sores or diseases or wearing any bandages may not enter the water.
Any smoke or vape products are not allowed to be used on site at any time. Alcohol or drugs of any kind are NOT allowed on premises. Persons appearing or acting intoxicated will be asked to leave immediately.
Persons using facilities should do so in a quiet manner. Music may be played with agreement from other guests.
Flotation devices are only allowed when the pool is not crowded and there are no objections by the lifeguard or other adults. Fins or scuba gear permitted at the discretion of the lifeguard.
No fireworks or explosives of any kind permitted on premises.
Members may reserve the pool for parties for a nominal fee. See website for more information:
No animals/pets allowed in the confines of the pool facilities at any time.
Members Responsibilities
The swimming pool is for the enjoyment of all. Members are responsible for their children and guests at all times.
The front entrance doors are to always remain locked and must not be propped open.
Members and guests must clean up after themselves.
Proper swim attire required for entry into the pool. Cut-off shorts, boxers, gym shorts or street clothes are not permitted in the pool except during staff training exercises. Only water shoes are allowed at any time.
All persons using the pool do so at their own risk. The Association is not responsible for accidents or injuries that may happen.
The Association is not responsible for loss or damage of personal property. Property damage costs because of deliberate or negligent actions will be collected from the responsible membership household.
As stated in by-laws, it is the responsibility of the adult members to enforce association rules and supervise their family and guests.
Facility users are responsible for reporting any needed repairs to the Board.
Section 1: Membership
The number of memberships shall be limited to 115 households. A member is a person or family in one single household and the household has:
Paid the required one-time membership fee,
Paid the annual dues in a timely manner, and
Kept contact information current with the Board. Primary communication will be via email.
Memberships may not be transferred to other individuals outside of the household. Memberships may not be transferred to another adult, children or grandchildren outside of the home. People living outside of the home will need to apply for their own household membership.
Section 2: Charter Membership
A Charter Member shall only be an individual or family who joined the Association prior to April 30th, 1995. All other shall simply be designated as ‘regular’ membership. Ownership of a membership may not be transferred. As of Oct 1, 2009, no additional refundable memberships will be sold. As of January 1, 2022, Charter Members may only get refunds of their membership from the Association when their membership sells and may not sell it privately.
Section 3: Special Situations Affecting Membership
Divorce: In the event of a divorce of the members of a household, their membership shall go to one party or if contested by both parties, each pays half of a new membership. No refunds will be given.
Death: In the event of the death of all members of the household, the membership shall become null and void.
Section 4: Membership Privileges
Members of the Association may use the swimming pool and grounds upon payment of membership and annual dues as provided for in these bylaws. Permanent occupants or guests residing at a member’s home may use the pool without payment of additional fees. Use of the facilities by members, nonmember guests and others shall be determined by the Board of Directors.
Special Situations:
Daycare: For members providing daycare to children, the children shall be considered as guests and must follow the guest policy.
Caregivers: While members or children of members are being attended by a caregiver, the caregiver may use the pool. If the caregiver is under the age of 18 years, use of the pool shall be limited to hours when a lifeguard is on duty. The caregiver must meet any other requirements listed in the pool rules and must follow all pool rules.
Section 1: Member Duties
Each member of the Association shall have responsibilities in helping to maintain the quality of the pool environment and its grounds.
While at the pool, each member will be expected to take part in pool area care. This includes (but is not limited to):
Monitor pool use,
Do not let non-members who are not someone’s guest into pool area,
Follow the posted rules and regulations,
Report safety concerns or need for repairs to the Board immediately,
Clean up after themselves, and
Ensure that the door is locked behind them when leaving the pool.​
Explanations of duties for the summer and Annual Rules and Regulations, if amended, will be emailed each spring by the Board before the swimming season begins.
If necessary, the Board may institute a requirement that each household is required to work at least two hours each year on facility maintenance or other Association work (not including daily clean up and closing) or be assessed a $50/hour fee for each member. The Board is responsible for scheduling activities and the Treasurer is responsible for assessing up to the fee if implemented by the Board.
Click here to sign up for specific tasks during work days or volunteer hours outside of the workdays.
Section 2: Annual Dues, Assessments and Fees
Exceptions to this section may be authorized by a majority vote of the quorum of the Board.
Membership fee: shall be set by the Board of directors. Increases are limited to 15% per year.
Annual dues: shall be determined by the Board of Directors. Dues must be paid in full prior to receiving access to the pool grounds. If a member is unable to pay the fees in full, they may work out a payment plan with the Treasurer. Annual dues increase shall be limited to 15% each year.
Billing Date Payment Due Date Late Fee Applied
On or before March 15th April 1st April 16th
Assessment fees: In lieu of increasing dues, the Board, with a majority vote, may levy an assessment fee to cover expenses and/or contribute to a Capital Reserve Fund; not to exceed $100 in any one year. Notices of the assessment will be emailed to members and payable within 60 days.
Section 3: Non-payment of Dues, Assessment and Fees
Members will be notified by the Treasurer by email when dues, assessments or fees are overdue. If returning members do not pay their membership dues before pool opening, they will not be issued an access key until membership dues are paid. Late fees If dues are not paid and arrangements not made between the member and the Board by May 15 of each year, the member will forfeit their membership and may apply again the following year (and pay membership fee again).
Members may appeal to the Board to reinstate membership based on the circumstances of the situation. Member will be permitted to speak to their circumstances at the next Board meeting. Determination will be made by a majority vote of the Board. Result of the appeal will be sent to the member by email read receipt by the Secretary.
Section 1: Annual Meeting
The annual meeting of the members of the Association shall be held during the month of February at a time and place designated by the Board. Members shall be notified and provided with an annual financial report and notice of the annual meeting by email not less than 10 days prior to the meeting.
Nominations for new members of the Board must be submitted to the Board no later than 1 day prior to the annual meeting (via email). The President and nominating committee will finalize the nominations prior to the notice given to all members about the annual meeting.
At the annual meeting, the Board will present necessary business of the pool and financial report. New members of the Board of Directors, and officers, and nominating committee will be elected if possible.
Section 2: Other Meetings
Additional meetings of the members of the Association may be called by the President of the Board as pool business needs arise.
If a member or members wish to call a special meeting of the members of the Association, it must be requested in writing. The President must call a special meeting when properly requested to do so by the membership. A notice shall be emailed to all members at least 10 days prior to any meeting of the Association.
Section 3: Quorum
If a membership meeting of the Association has been called, with proper notice emailed to the members, those present at the meeting constitute a quorum.
Section 4: Voting
At any meeting of the members of the Association, each household membership represents one vote up to a total of 110 votes. Any member in arrears of dues or fees 15 days or more is not eligible to vote. The Treasurer is responsible to bring a current list of members and payment status to the meeting.
Section 1: Nominations and Election of the Board of Directors
The business and property of the Association shall be managed by a seven member Board of Directors who shall be elected by a majority vote at the annual members meeting. The Board shall serve a suggested staggered two-year terms with four Director’s terms expiring one year and three Directors’ terms expiring the next year.
Nominations to fill vacant or expired Director’s positions may be made by notifying the President at least 10 days prior to the meeting or by making the nominations at the annual meeting.
Section 2: Board Vacancies
In case of a vacancy or resignation on the Board of Directors, the remaining Board may fill the vacancy by a majority vote. The member accepting the appointments shall serve the remainder of the unexpired term. The interim Director may run for full appointment at the following February member meeting.
Section 3: Meeting of Directors
Regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held at least three times each year. The time and place of the meetings will be set by the President. An effort must be put forth to schedule the meetings at the convenience of other Board members. Such meetings must be announced to the Board members by phone or email at least 10 days prior to meetings unless business is of an emergent nature. Upon notifying the President, members may be on the agenda for the meeting.
Section 4: Removal of Officer or Directors
A Board member may be removed from office by a majority vote of the remaining Board members if the officer continuously fails to attend meetings or fails to fulfill the duties of the office. The President shall notify said officer in writing. The Board Member then has 10 days to respond and give reason for failure to execute duties. The Board shall then make a final determination. If the officer or director not fulfilling duties is the President, the Vice President of Membership shall follow the above procedure. The Board Member may be replaced as written in Article IV, Section 2.
Section 5: Quorum
A majority of the present Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. If a quorum cannot be convened to transact necessary business, consent minutes, signed by the officer or Board member not attending shall be valid as if a meeting had taken place.
Section 6: Compensation
Serving on the Board of Directors credits those members for the yearly dues. Membership dues must have been paid.
Section 7: Conflict of interest
Where a material conflict of interest exists by a member of the Board that member shall not vote on the action to be taken.
Section 8: Enforcement of Pool Rules
It is the responsibility of every member to enforce the pool rules. The Board of Directors will work to distribute pool rules and support the enforcement of the official pool rules in order to ensure the safety of pool users and the integrity of pool property. The Board shall investigate complaints from pool members and shall have authority to levy assessments against pool rule violators. If damage is done, the member will be responsible for paying for the repair or replacement of equipment in addition to the following:
1st violation: verbal notification of the violation to the membership holder.
2nd violation: written notice of rule violation to the member responsible and warning of potential fine for subsequent rule violations.
3rd violation: The Board may levy up to a $500 fee in addition to damages against the member responsible, due and payable upon receipt of the billing from the Board. Prior to making a decision about the assessment, the offending members shall appear before the Board in a special Board meeting to discuss the issues involved. The Board shall notify the member of such meeting in writing by email. If the member fails to appear before the Board as requested, the Board will make its decision regarding the assessment based on the information it has available. The member so assessed, and his/her family, shall be denied pool privileges until such assessment is paid. The Board shall notify the member that any future rule violations may, at the Board’s discretion, result in expulsion of membership. If assessment is unable to be paid in full at that time, a payment plan may be worked out with the Treasurer.
4th violation: At the Board’s discretion and following a special meeting of the Board at which the member’s presence will be requested, expulsion of membership according to the rules set forth in Article IV, Section 9 of these Bylaws.​
An infraction of any pool rule shall be considered an infraction of all pool rules for purposes of enforcement. Repeated violation of the same pool rule is not required to be subject to progressive Board action. The record of pool rule violations shall begin anew for each member at the beginning of each pool session.
Progressive warning prior to imposition of assessments or termination may be waived at the Board’s discretion in the case of willful vandalism of pool property or intentional personal injury to another.
Section 9: Expulsion of a Member
A membership may be rendered null and void for cause after the exhaustion of remedies detailed in Article II Section 3 and Article IV Section 8 by a majority or greater affirmative vote of the Board of Directors. Prior to any such action, the Board must email a notice of the proposed action to the member. The member then has ten days from receipt of the notice to file a written reply with the Secretary of the Board. The Board shall then consider this reply and make a final decision. Notice of the final termination shall be sent paid to the member by registered mail return receipt and email. Membership fees are forfeited for expelled members.
Board members of the Association are President, Vice President of Membership, Facilities Chair, Social Media Chair, Swim Activities Chair, Treasurer and Secretary. Each Board member shall serve for a two-year term and the number of terms is not limited. No person may hold more than one office at a time unless there are positions left unfilled. Board members must hold a current membership in the Association.
Section 1: President
The President shall:
Preside at all meetings of the Association and Board.
Sign all certificates of stock, sign and execute all contracts and instruments of conveyance.
Employ, supervise and discharge all employees and service providers with Board approval. President may delegate supervision of staff to the Pool Manager and/or Swim Activities Chair as appropriate.
Oversee the properties and facilities of the Association.
Keep membership informed of pool business and member responsibilities.
Work with the Pool Manager and Swim Activities Chair to establish the pool schedule, lifeguarding hours, swimming lessons and swim team practices if applicable.
Appoint committees to assist the Board as provided for in these bylaws.
Help other Board members as needed.​
Section 2: Vice President of Membership
The Vice President shall:
Fill in for the President when necessary.
Attend all meetings and if unable to attend, be in communication about absence with the President.
Keep Association master keys safe and provide members replacement keys when requested.
Respond to inquiries about pool memberships.
Collect all applications either electronically, by mail or in person. Give collected dues to Treasurer.
Organize key distribution events.
Oversee member fulfillment of duties.
Help other Board members as needed.
Section 3: Facilities Chair
The Facilities Chair shall:
Attend all meetings and if unable to attend, be in communication about absence with the President.
Organize the opening and closing work sessions for the pool.
Organize other maintenance and work assignments at the pool if applicable.
Supervise grounds upkeep (watering, mowing, spraying, etc.) and any outside vendors contracted to help with this work.
Help other Board members as needed.​
Section 4: Social Media Chair
The Social Media Chair shall:
Attend all meetings and if unable to attend, be in communication about absence with the President.
Build and update the Pool website as needed, keeping everything up to date.
Coordinate/manage the online digital calendar to ensure it shows all activities at the pool including pool parties and swim team practice and events etc.
Work with Treasurer to make sure website related items are paid for.
Post to Instagram and Facebook updates about the pool on a regular basis to keep the members engaged.
Help other Board members as needed.
Section 5: Swim Activities Chair
The Swim Activities Chair shall:
Attend all meetings and if unable to attend, be in communication about absence with the President.
Attend home swim meets and find volunteers to staff home swim meets.
Work with President to design swim activities at the pool.
Work with President to hire and supervise swim activities staff.
Coordinate social events to build a sense of community at the pool.
Schedule and confirm pool parties.
Help other Board members as needed.
Section 6: Treasurer
The Treasurer shall:
Attend all meetings and if unable to attend, be in communication about absence with the President.
Keep the financial records of the pool in order.
Present a yearly financial statement at included in the annual members meeting notice.
Email notices of dues payments fifteen days prior to each initial payment due date.
Using guidelines in these bylaws notify those in arrears of dues and advise Board of needed actions.
Pay all employees, keep all necessary withholding and tax information current and submit necessary documents to the proper authorities.
Secure insurance for the Association.
Sign with President and Secretary, in the name of the Association, all contracts and instruments of conveyance.
Pay all expenses incurred by the Association.
Help other Board members as needed.
Section 7: Secretary
The Secretary shall:
Attend all meetings and if unable to attend, be in communication about absence with the President.
Distribute pool rules to all members prior to each swimming season.
Keep the minutes of all members meeting and all Board meetings.
Sign with the President and Treasurer, in the name of the Association, all contracts and instruments of conveyance.
Keep a waiting list of prospective new members.
Give each new member of a copy of the bylaws and the rules.
Take roll at members meetings.
Check voicemail and respond to messages.
Help other Board members as needed.
Section 8: Pool Manager (not a Board member)
The Pool Manager shall:
Attend all Board meetings and if unable to attend, be in communication about absence with the President.
Oversee daily clean up and closing duties by lifeguards.
Oversee lifeguards & swim instructors, including hiring (must have President’s approval).
Scheduling of guards (lessons, parties, swim team, open, close).
Plan, maintain and implement training/certifications for staff/lifeguards (CPR/First Aid, CPO, etc.)
Monitor and report payroll hours (work with President or Treasurer and payroll company).
Work closely with maintenance personnel.
Work with pool maintenance vendor to maintain water quality (chemicals, water clarity, etc…) and keep records meeting Federal, State and Local regulations.
Maintain pool paperwork (accident reports, chemical logs, timecards etc).
Maintain communication with Board on any communication to lifeguards.
Maintain certifications including but not limited to: Lifeguard, CPR/First Aid, CPO, and Lifeguard Instructor.
Respond to and debrief any pool incidents.
Section 1: Lifeguard Committee
Appointed by the President, this committee shall assist the Board in the advertising for, interviewing of and hiring of the lifeguards.
Section 2: Other Committees
The President may appoint other committees the Board deems necessary.
Section 1: Execution of Corporate Papers
All written obligations of the Association shall be executed by the President, Vice President, Secretary or Treasurer. No obligation in writing of the Association failing to have the required signatures shall be binding upon the Association.
Section 2: Fiscal Year
The fiscal year shall begin January 1 and end December 31.
Section 3: Dividends and Refunds
There shall be no dividends to members of the Association. There shall be no refunds except as provided for in these bylaws.
Section 4: Sale of Land
The Association shall not dispose of any real property except in accordance with such approval as may be granted by a ¾ vote of the members at any duly called members meeting.
Section 5: Capital Investments
Any capital investments or repair requires raising dues of more than 24% from the previous year must be approved by a ¾ vote of the quorum at any duly called members meeting.
Section 6: Section 6: Insurance
The Association must at all times maintain property insurance as well as liability insurance to cover accident or injury to guests using the facilities. Worker’s Compensation insurance shall be secured for the lifeguards.
Section 7: Capital Reserve Fund
A Capital Reserve Fund may be established for the purposes of future major expenditures regarding the facility.
Section 8: Expenditures
Any expenditure of more than $5,000 must be approved by a ¾ vote of the members at any duly called members meeting.
Section 9: Loans
Any loan must be approved by a ¾ vote of the quorum at any duly called members meeting.
Section 1: By-Laws and Pool Rules
The Bylaws may only be amended, repealed or rewritten by approval of members in the following manner:
Notice and exact wording of the changes in the bylaws, along with a ballot, shall be emailed to each member at least ten days prior to duly called members meeting.
The changes shall be discussed at the meeting.
A vote shall be taken in person or via ballot at the meeting. At vote of a majority least ¾ of quorum and timely submitted ballots must approve the change.
A copy of the Bylaws and Pool Rules shall be given to each new member who shall acknowledge their receipt in writing. Additional copies may be obtained from the Secretary upon request. The Board shall publish an updated list of Pool Rules and regulations prior to each swimming season. Any changes, deletions, or additions from the previous year’s rules and regulations shall be highlighted in a manner determined by the Board. Such Rules and Regulations may be changed or modified during the swimming season at the Board’s discretion.